

Shaw and Partners provides clients and advisers with timely, insightful research and investment strategies aimed at unlocking opportunities. Our Research team identify and analyse listed companies with high growth potential that are capable of delivering superior investment performance over the medium to long term.

Actionable insights

Our analysts thoroughly research a host of companies across a broad range of industries and sectors. We specialise in emerging and mid-cap companies and provide evidence-backed analysis and original investment thinking. Competing on the basis of our ideas, unique insights and our intellectual capital, our research focuses on generating money-making ideas.

Experienced in-house team

At Shaw and Partners, we don’t simply repackage publicly available information. Our analysts visit key companies and spend time with management, competitors, suppliers and customers of businesses to understand the company at a grassroots level, from which they can generate unique insights and unearth commercial opportunities that are otherwise missed by the broader market.

Target sectors: Banks, Insurance, Telecoms, Diversified Financials, Infrastructure, Transport, Utilities, Technology & Online, Contractors, Retailers, Life Sciences, Travel, Metals & Mining and Real Estate

Fixed Income Strategies

The Income Strategies team consists of specialised Investment and Portfolio Strategists dedicated to the debt and listed hybrid securities asset classes. With a focus on structuring and managing portfolios whilst blending with the other asset classes including equities, the team aims to maximise income, while minimising the risk of loss of capital, providing clients with thoughtful analysis and investment opportunities.

International Research

The strategic partnership between Shaw and Partners and EFG International provides clients with access to global research, the latest macroeconomic and stock market news from around the world and investment ideas to assist clients in their investment decision-making.

Our comprehensive suite of international reports includes:

  • Main macroeconomic weekly news
  • A monthly report including global house views, investment ideas and asset allocation guidelines
  • A quarterly publication on asset class performance and an overview of key regions
  • Ad hoc analysis of prevailing market events.

Our analysts generate unique insights to unearth real investment opportunities